This Kid: Violet at 10


When the other kids asked for unicorns and kittens,
Violet chose Dias de los Muertos.

Not the most conventional kid, she's super-smart, funny and will challenge your thinking on many levels. I love that about her. Never one to just accept, always one to question. 

In my eyes, Violet's sensitivity towards the most vulnerable has always been her most defining personality trait. She's all about babies, toddlers and animals. This past year, she spent some time at an Animal Shelter where her gift for compassion and caring was palpable.

Thank you note Interpretation:
"You + Me = Best Coworkers!"
"Hi Sara Thank you for the best time I've ever had! You made my dreams come true" - Violet

Oh! And Creativity! Did I mention creativity? 
Here's an example (I think she was 8 at the time) ... a portrait of her paternal grandfather "Bobo"...

T Shirt Interpretation:
"Old People, Am I right?"

This photo of Violet & "Bobo" shows her joy has always been
an integral part of her, even at the beginning.

Violet brings so much light into our world and I suspect that one day she will make her mark by becoming a caregiver. Possibly a nurse, doctor or vet? Who knows? But she will be taking care of someone or something....that I feel certain.

AKA "Momo"

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