Initially, the move to Mr. Something's house didn’t seem all that traumatic for Harlan. He had a pool now, a personal doghouse and despite the fact that his yard was a little smaller, Harlan seemed to be managing just fine.
I knew we had hit a snag though, when on my way to work one morning, I saw Harlan sleeping beside the right front tire of my car. On my return home, finding Harlan curled up in my parking space was not an unfamiliar sight.
Mr. Something's sons told me they would see Harlan sitting on the corner of our street, just looking around when I wasn't at home. It worried me that he wouldn't stay in our yard but I didn't want to tie him up and he refused to come into the house. So, digging himself out of his yard every night, he would snuggle up beside his familiar friend, a Pontiac Grand Am and go to sleep.
It was evident that Harlan had regressed a little after Betsy had passed away, but the move to a new home had obviously impacted him negatively and the "new and improved" Harlan was gone for a while. He had returned to his solitary ways and once he separated from his attachment to my car, he would spend his time in his house or much to Mr. Something's chagrin, in the backyard landscaping. If anyone approached, he would bolt and hide. Fortunately though, he seemed to continue to enjoy going for walks with me but only if I did not make eye contact before leashing him.
Some time had passed when Mr. Something announced he was going to turn Harlan into a “normal” dog. On one particular morning, Mr. Something told me he was going to take Harlan for a walk and that he would not be “playing games” with him. So, I pulled up a chair and watched my very own “Dog Whisperer” from an upstairs window. It was priceless..
Walking into Harlan’s yard confidently and speaking in a commanding tone, Mr. Something called out for Harlan. After peering into his doghouse and determining that he was in fact inside, he straightened up and stated clearly and authoritatively, “Harlan. Come.” Reaching into the doghouse, he leashed Harlan. Harlan refused to come out. As Mr. Something pulled on the leash, Harlan resisted with equal force. Soon, both Harlan and his doghouse were being dragged across the patio.
Perplexed, Mr. Something stopped, picked up the doghouse (with Harlan in it) and tried shaking him out. Miraculously, Harlan didn’t budge and remained inside his doghouse. As a final act of desperation he removed the doghouse roof.. That's all it took.
Tail wagging and head up, Harlan was ready to go.
Part 8 Harlan Gets $ick
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