Willie & Waylon
As we sat, waiting for word on Waylon’s condition, I, petting the furless cat, the vet tech returned. She escorted me to “The Family Room”.
"The Family Room" in the hospital, is normally reserved for families who are about to receive bad news. I knew this was no different. I prepared myself.
The vet arrived and filled me in on what they had done so far… “Blunt force Trauma, Oxygen Cage, Tracheal Edema, IV Steroids, Multiple jaw fractures”. Should he survive the night, the plan was to keep him in Intensive Care until the morning.
"The Family Room" in the hospital, is normally reserved for families who are about to receive bad news. I knew this was no different. I prepared myself.
The vet arrived and filled me in on what they had done so far… “Blunt force Trauma, Oxygen Cage, Tracheal Edema, IV Steroids, Multiple jaw fractures”. Should he survive the night, the plan was to keep him in Intensive Care until the morning.
The following morning, Waylon remained weak but alive. I received his X-rays and ICU records. He was admitted to The Rutherford Clinic in Dallas where he remained for two weeks after surgery for getting his jaw wired.
Willie, in the meantime was out of control. Running at a full tilt, he would throw himself against the wall. This weird, behavior did not stop until I brought him to the hospital for regular visits with his brother.
With the exception of an obvious jaw asymmetry when he yawned, Waylon recovered nicely.
My roommate, Susan decided to return to her home in San Antonio and ‘The Red Headed Strangers’ moved with her.
Separating Waylon and Willie would be inhumane. Although I would miss them, I knew that Susan would care for them and love them for the rest of their lives.
And she did.
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