I had reserved a (surprise) romantic horse drawn carriage ride upon our arrival to the incredibly beautiful and historic walled city of Quebec but was soon dissappointed to learn that "it is too cold for the horses, Madam". No problem.
Venturing out on foot with only a 'walking tour' map of Quebec City was probably not my best decision but hey, hindsight is 20/20. After about 2 miles into our frigid trek, we came upon a lovely French restaurant with a roaring fireplace ...and no one spoke English! Now that's what I'm talkin' about! A different culture! A different language! My frozen husband was more impressed with the fire.
In the following days, we found The Quebec Carnival to be well organized with plenty to do.
A Little History... The Quebec Carnival in Quebec City, “Carnaval’ in Rio de Janeiro and ‘Mardi Gras’ in New Orleans are based upon indulging yourself silly prior to Lent, a period of Catholic sacrifice and repentance that leads up to Easter. Many Catholics will ‘give up something for Lent’ as an exercise in self-sacrifice. For my friend JoBeth, it has always been tortilla chips, others swear off alcohol or chocolate. The point is…you should ‘give up’ something you will really miss for about forty days.
Today, these celebrations are a really good excuse for a winter party.
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Cute impression of Bonhomme. LOL
Where does a Texan find a coat like that?
Oh! And 40 degrees below zero??? I would have been downing those "Caribous" like they were candy!
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