The Annual Cookie Exchange


Each year at Holiday Time, Lori & Jeni host an annual Christmas cookie exchange for their friends and acquaintances. The lure, you may ask? A signature martini (or two), wonderful appetizers and the opportunity to see everyone again..

So, our instructions are to bake six dozen of the same cookies. Then we are to divide them up into three separate containers and take them to the party! Voila! Sounds easy enough, but when you’re not much of a cookie-baker (see Hello Cupcake!) the assignment is daunting.

Kathy (see friend) and I attend this event faithfully every year and really enjoy seeing every one again, but cookie-bakers – we’re not.

The first year of the exchange, Kathy politely asked if she could bring cake (hoping to pick three cakes up on the way to the party)… “No, we want cookies” was the cookie exchange hostesses response.

The second year of the exchange, Kathy asked if she could bring meat… “No, we want cookies.” the inflexible cookie exchange hostesses said.
The third year we put our heads together and called a bakery. Our instructions were clear… “Please place the cookies in unmarked packages” We were busted at the cookie exchange when someone noticed the teensy gold bakery sticker on the inside of the box.

The fourth year, we bribed a cookie-baking friend to complete our assignment for us. Maryanne would have gladly done it without the bribe but we didn’t feel right about that so Kathy repaid her with a lasagna casserole and I, with a pot roast.

This year, I will not be able to attend but next year I have a ‘no-bake’ cookie recipe that I plan on using. It just requires assembly.

"Burger Cookies"

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