The Party-Planner in me came out in full swing a couple of weeks ago, when I had the pleasure of throwing a nautical-themed baby shower for my friend, Faye and her husband, Carl.
Anyone who knows me, knows that the first thing I do when planning a party is to coordinate a "Party-Planning Committee". Committee Meetings are a great excuse to get together with friends and decide who would like to do or bring what. It was also where it was decided that (as 98% of the guests were not pregnant) spiked and un-spiked beverages would be served.
An estimated 45 guests were in attendance.
Food included chicken wings, fruit salad, hawaiian roll hot ham sandwiches, cheese dip, cake and ice cream - all provided by the committee members.
Parents-to-be, Faye & Carl |
In keeping with the new arrival's nursery, the color scheme was navy blue and green.
Table was covered in two layers of navy - glittering twinkle lights between the fabric mimicking the ocean. |
Life-Ring wrapped in coordinating fabric |
OMG. The Cake. Red Velvet Bundt with Cream Cheese Frosting. |
"Clams" in a boat - were cookies filled with blue icing and mini-marshmellows - Thank you Pinterest |
Jackie and Laura serving up the evening's signature cocktail..."The Faye-Tini" |
Glassware was prepared with ribbon, a Life-Saver mint and an ID label. |
The Baby's Daddy, Carl |
Game Time |
Da Boys - getting their 'empathy' on |
Who could untie their shoes in this condition anyway? |
Sisters |
I feel certain that without the enthusiasm and participation of my fellow party-planners, Faye & Carl's Baby Shower would not have been the success that it was. Big thanks to ...
Suzanne |
Lakesha and Amber |
Amber, Stacy and Guest of Honor, Faye |
Faye's fabulous sister,Adrienne |
Faye & Amy |
The elusive Mr. Something |
Jay - The Official Photographer |
I'm thinking a good time was had by all.
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