

Several years ago, "The Bikini Wax" became a staple of female grooming and I was smitten. It hurt like hell but hey, "a-girls-gotta-do-what-a-girls-gotta-do". Trading a half hour of excruciating pain followed by a month of carefree swim suit wearing made it all seem worthwhile.

One day, while visiting my local day spa, I was asked by a less-than-artfully-applied-mascara-wearing-heavy-accented Russian aesthetican, "Vould you like zee 'Bikini' or zee 'Brazilian'?'' Not having a clue as to what a "Brazilian" was, I opted for the familiar route and stuck with "zee Bikini". Thank you Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Who knew that "The Brazilian" involved waxing of my total lady business? And how could any self respecting wax-person just throw that term in without explanation?

I got over it.

Now, I'm learning of of the newest craze in female adornment thanks to Jennifer Love Hewitt...

Call me 'old fashioned' but I just don't see myself getting Vajazzled any time in the near future...
  1. It requires "Zee Brazilian"
  2. It's stupid. 
Don't get me wrong. For those of you out there who feel the need to bedazzle your whoo-ha's - more power to you.

But I think I'll just leave mine be. Just sayin'.

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Heather said...

Oh good god! That is HILARIOUS!

It is so funny that you would write about this because Troy and I were just talking about it the other day. (No, I am NOT considering it!)

I do so love Jennifer Love Hewitt.

When I grow up, I want to be her. LOL

Leslie said...

Hahaha. Love it. And kudos to you for even having the guts to go with the bikini. A razor down there is scary enough for me!