Steve Update #1


It's been one month since my husband's younger brother, Steve was diagnosed with brain cancer on February 28th and it has been our mission to see him smile everyday.
Steve's brain tumor is a little larger than a baseball and is located in the frontal and temporal portion of the brain. It is because of it's location, that the normally inquisitive and talkative Steve is much more subdued these days.

Despite a detailed conversation with him on the day after he moved in with us (regarding his diagnosis and prognosis), Steve's short-term memory has blessedly failed him. He vaguely remembers his hospitalization and believes he was diagnosed with "sleeping too much". We do not correct him. Although we've agreed to honestly answer any questions Steve may have - he's not asking any.
The Spotswood Siblings at Brian's Wedding: Sheila, Tim, Steve and Doug
Steve remains pain-free, continues to be able to take care of himself, enjoys good food, hot tea, 'The Simpson's', "Monty Python', 'Antiques Road Show', 'Nova', old movies  (Young Frankenstein, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, The Princess Bride etc.), our dog Duke, all things British and frequent naps. Doug and he take short walks on pretty days and this past weekend, Steve attended the wedding of his nephew Brian.
Steve stylin' with Duke in the woods

So far, our mission is being accomplished.

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Heather said...

I'm glad to hear that you feel like you're accomplishing your mission and that you're enjoying each day.

It hurts my heart to think of the issues you all are struggling with right now and to remember what my uncle went through.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Melanie Strickland said...

I love his movies, Joan!!! And I just love the stuffing out of you. Your acts and deeds of kindness toward your BIL make me want to be a better person. Thank you for sharing your journey with us, Madame.