What's So Bad About The NRA?


So, What’s so bad about The NRA?

Personally, I have friends and family who I admire and respect that have been and continue to be members of The NRA. They are responsible gun owners and gun enthusiasts. That being said, in the past few days there has been more mass shootings too close to home and it really seems that these incidents are becoming the new 'normal'...

Santa Fe, Texas -May 18th, 2018 - 8 Students & 2 educators killed - 10 others injured.  The 17 year old shooter had access to his parent's shotgun and handgun. Every 36 hours, a child unintentionally fires a gun and kills or injures himself or someone else. That doesn’t include the number of suicides and homicides that occur when kids have access to unsecured guns.

Ponder, Texas – May 17th, 2018 - A mother of three, shot. Her kids and boyfriend were killed. Her ex husband then killed himself. The judge who handled her divorce case, knew that her ex-husband had tried to commit suicide. She warned the judge that she considered him mentally unstable. Those warnings had gone unheeded.

What can you do?
Vote and learn what politicians have accepted money from The NRA.

What politicians have accepted money from The NRA in Texas?
President Donald Trump, Governor Gregg Abbott, Senators Ted Cruz, Dan Patrick & John Cornyn ... These politicians have a choice - they can choose to not accept NRA funds - a simple fix.

Why Should You Care?
Because The NRA includes a powerful lobbying group under their umbrella called The NRA/ILA (Institute for Legislative Action). It is supported by gun manufacturers and designed to promote sales of guns and gun accessories (silencers, armor piercing bullets, bump stocks).

The NRA/ILA has presented "The Hearing Protection Act" to congress. A law designed to allow silencers to be sold legally. Really?

The money that politicians accept from The NRA has strings attached and why so many politicians are complacent about enacting any kind of gun legislation. It has very little to do with anyone’s 2nd Amendment Rights and everything to do with needing and wanting NRA money, careful not to ‘bite the hand that feeds them’.

Gun Legislation that 'can't hurt and might help' include...
  • Background Checks for all gun purchases
  • Raising the age of gun purchases to 21
  • A 'Red Flag' Law - Allowing law enforcement to remove guns from a person who has been deemed a threat to himself or others.
  • Those convicted of domestic abuse denied firearm ownership.

As of today, in 2018 we have lost 5,436 Americans to gun violence. American women are 11 times more likely to be murdered with a firearm than in any other country and an American woman is fatally shot every 16 hours in the US. And as of today, America has eclipsed 1,000 teens (ages 12-17) shot or killed in 2018.

Something has got to give. It could be the life of your kid, next time. And there will be a next time.

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