Recoleta Cemetery - Buenos Aires, Argentina Photo Credit: Joan Spotswood |
"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". When my friend and colleague, Kory Caughie posted the aforementioned photo, these were the words she chose to caption it with.
And I cried.
I cried for the man and his child, for his wife - as she bore witness to their deaths, I cried for the struggle so many human beings endure to make it to our country. Their beacon of hope. And then, I cried for the country that I had proudly adopted as my own just a few years ago.
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Photo Credit: Matt Hudgens-Haney |
Kory lives in the Texas border town of El Paso and is founder of El Paso Cares A non-profit established in November 2018 whose goal is to increase awareness and understanding of human trafficking, exploitative relationships, prostitution and trauma [National Trafficking Hotline 888-373-7889]. Needless to say, she literally has her 'boots on the ground' with first hand knowledge of what's happening in her city. I contacted her this morning as I needed to know what we can do to help. Here is what she said...
1. Annunciation House: "They have operated for years and money fully goes to help the refugees. They distribute donations to all churches who help with feeding, transporting, etc. I work with these churches and everyone in this city will tell you that Annunciation House (and Rubin Garcia who runs it) are operating in full integrity and 24/7 to help. He is the voice of the voiceless here. He is highly respected by our city council and anyone working in the issue."
2. Compassion International: "Jimmy Mellado, CEO, said, 'Kory, none of our children are fleeing because they are in safe, healthy, villages...They are one of the highest ranked organizations on how much money goes to the child.'"
"The stories are true, Joan. They are running from unlivable places. We can’t house everyone here, but they can’t live there right now. We need to help on both ends until a solid solution is in place. Every time I leave the bus station or airport and see a little kiddo walking toward a new safe healthy life with their momma or daddy, I thank God for one more life spared and for their opportunity and hope when their situation was hopeless AND for the people who helped me provide a good safe healthy life for my own kids when life was hard... but never one of life or death! Spread the Word!!!".
So this is my plan - I'm spreading the word and have chosen to donate. Will you join me?
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Thank you for sharing ways to help people in this senseless atrocity inflicted by our government.
Susan, It is literally breaking my heart.
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